We have mounted the Aurora weather sensor on the roof of DMI and found out how to run it from Linux. A plot is generated automatically and updated each minute. The link is here:
Top frame shows sensor temperature (i.e. how hot the sensor itself is) and the radiance temperature of the sky measured inside a wide cone looking up.
Next frame shows the difference between the two – when it is large the sky is probably clear – i.e. no clouds and no humidity.
Third frame shows the amount of light reaching the sensor – so you see day and night and clouds passing in front of the Sun.
Bottom panel shows rain falling on the sensor.
Future work will now be directed towards producing and statistically validating a warning signal (‘Close The Dome!’) on the basis of these readings.
We might mount a webcam also.
I would love to see how you control the Aurora from linux, we are considering using that sensor as a backup to our Boltwood. I can be reached at tedg ATSYMBOL linmax.sao.arizona.edu.
Great work guys!